Monday, March 22, 2010

Vogue Italia Launches Vogue Curvy: Currently Starring 'Plus-Size' Models!

Calling all you Curvy ladies! Skinny is definitely not In..well, was kinda moved and excited when came accross this article. Its kind of inspiring that you don't have to be skinny to be a model. The modeling industry is trying to face the reality and considering about, the real average women are not the images that have been portrayed for years (like size 0s). Women got to celebrate their curves and the inner beauty they posses regardless if you are size 2 or 14.
Vogue Italia's new Web site is dedicating a section to you and all your womanly beauty. Part of the magazine's regular site, Vogue Curvy's current homepage features video interviews with "plus-size" models Crystal Renn and Lizzie Miller. "I have a perfect body," Miller tells the site. "Men go crazy for it and I'm proud of my tummy."
It's also got clothing and accessories inspired by "Mad Men" bodacious bombshell Christina Hendricks, daily wardrobe advice (a Marina Rinaldi jumpsuit, anyone?), curvy icons (America Ferrera) and a curvy blog (designers who love curves and great places to shop.)

Talking about curvy models, we can't forget talking about Sheridan Watson (17), the winner of Fiercely Real Model Search conceived by Tyra Banks , is proud of her size 14. Sheridan Watson is so tough and self-assured that you immediately realize why Tyra Banks cheered so much when she announced she had won Fiercely Real Model Search. Vogue Curvy feature Sheridan as a Young Curvy Model on the Rise.
Curvy by nature, Sheridan loads of chocolate-colored curves perfectly distributed over 5ft.10in. may convert legions of American women to the religion of wellness and common sense. "You have to learn how to eat healthily - she states - if you want to get thinner it is equally dangerous to fast and to gulp down junk food until you explode. And it is important to exercise regularly". At this point we can't help but ask her how did she reach size 14 since she swears she'd rather eat yoghurt than ice-cream and tells us she takes a 30-minute walk every single day. "I owe my figure to my genes - she claims - my mother is as curvy as I am, and in any case I try to be careful: I don't want to be too fat, obesity is a real disease". Here are few pics of Sheridan & Tyra. Enjoy!

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